Embed a Collection Logo

Embed a Collection Logo


What is a Collection Logo?

A Collection Logo is an image that admins may embed at the top of the participant view - to the right of the welcome message - for each learning collection.

Admins should use a Collection Logo to add visual appeal in the participant view and help participants immediately recognize that the collection is organization-affiliated.

Providing participants this extra context makes the experience more intuitive and lets them focus on learning.



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The Collection Logo is displayed at the top-right of the collection


How to use logos

Logos are intended to catch participants' attention and enable quick brand recognition within a learning collection.

Examples of helpful logos:

Organization Logo - The primary organization logo is most familiar to all participants and makes a good option when the collection will be shared with a broad audience of leaders.

L&D Program Brand - For special talent initiatives a custom logo with your specific initiative branding is a good option to help reinforce the select nature of each program and visually distinguish wide-audience collections from those that are more targeted.

How to embed a logo

Embedding a logo/image is part of the collection-building workflow. When you design your next collection, you will have the option to upload an image in addition to customizing a collection welcome message/description.

You can come back and remove/replace the image at any time.

[See this article for step-by-step instructions to create a Learning Collection]


Upload an image (as admin)

Before upload
Following upload

View embedded image (as participant)



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