How do I create a new Learning Collection?
There are 5 steps to creating a new Learning Collection:
Start - Select a Product License for the Learning Collection to confirm the types of programs and overall learning experience that you want to deliver.
Select - Choose one of the available collections curated by ExecOnline experts to use as-is, or as a starting point for customization - or create your own collection of programs from scratch.
Customize - Create a title and description that will help welcome participants as they begin to explore the programs in your collection. Then add programs to the collection, and/or customize by hiding or reordering programs to suggest a particular order for participants.
Preview - Preview the Learning Collection that you’ve built so far from the participant’s point of view. Review and refine your collection with partners and stakeholders.
Share - When you’re ready for participants, publish your Learning Collection. Once published there are a few different options for onboarding participants:
Invite participants directly
Schedule an email inviting participants to browse the collection
Schedule an email inviting participants to enroll for a specific program
Use an onboarding URL
Copy a URL for participants to browse the collection
Copy a URL for participants to enroll for a specific program
Creating a new Learning Collection in AdminStudio requires a specific level of permissions. If you don’t see the ‘Create Learning Collection’ button on the Learning Collections tab, then you may not have sufficient permissions.
Need help getting started? Check out the guide for Planning Your Collection to help consider the context and criteria of your organization and its leaders.
To create a new Collection, visit the Learning Collections tab in AdminStudio. Click on the button that says ‘Create Learning Collection’ in the top right corner.
Step 1: Start
Select a Product License for the Learning Collection to confirm the types of programs and overall learning experience that you want to deliver.
Step 2: Select
Choose one of the available collections curated by ExecOnline experts to use as-is, or as a starting point for customization - or create your own collection of programs from scratch. The curated collections will include programs that are aligned to the Product License chosen in Step 1.
Then, click Continue in the top right corner.
Step 3: Customize
The Customize step is where you can tailor the collection for your specific leadership development objectives. Here, you’ll be able to do things like create a title and description for your collection that will be displayed to participants, create an alias for internal purposes, and add, hide and/or reorder programs.
Start by creating a title and description that will welcome participants as they begin to explore the programs in the collection. You can opt to use rich text editing in the collection’s description.
If desired, you can also include an internal name, which will only be visible to administrators. This internal name will act as an alias for you and will be visible on the Learning Collections tab below the collection’s title.
Next, you’ll be able to customize the programs included in the collection and the order of the programs.
To tailor a curated collection, click the Customize Program List
To add programs, click the Add Programs
To add programs, open the Program Catalog and use the filters to browse and find the program(s) you want to add, then click Add Program. After adding a program you may continue browsing and add more, or return to the list of programs in your collection to further customize the learning design.
If you would like to change the order that the programs appear in the collection, click on the six dots icon to the left of its title to drag and drop and create your preferred order.
In addition to your featured/premium programs, you can also enable the On-Demand Learning catalog for participants in the collection. If enabled, the On-Demand Learning catalog will display to participants at the bottom of their collection screen.
Programs in the On-Demand Learning catalog are displayed in alphabetical order by default, and the catalog will automatically inherit new On-Demand Learning programs as they are published by ExecOnline over the course of the year.
When you have finished with your customizations, click Continue in the top right corner.
Step 4: Preview
The next step, Preview, will allow you to see your Learning Collection as a participant would. If you’d like to make any adjustments, you can click the ‘Edit Participant View’ button at the top of the page.
A panel will slide out from the right side of you’re screen, and you can adjust the name and description of your collection, the name and description of the curated collection you’ve chosen, and the programs included and their order.
Your collection’s description can be tailored with a rich text editor on the Preview step as well.
Click on the arrow next to the name of the curated collection to see and edit its name and description. You can also adjust the included program list or reorder it on the Preview step, as well as set the Display Type as Carousel view (default) or List view.
When you’re ready to see an updated preview of the collection with any changes you have made, click ‘Save & Reload Preview’ at the bottom of the edit panel; the collection’s preview will refresh.
Click on the ‘Leave Edit Mode’ button if you’d like to close the side panel. If at any time you’d like to go back to the previous step, click the ‘Back’ button. When you’re ready, click on the ‘Continue’ button to move to the next step.
Step 5: Share
The final step for your collection is the Sharing.
Here, you can share your collection with collaborators who can review and refine the collection. Collaborators might be stakeholders or people that you partner close with. You’ll have the option to keep your collection private to just yourself, make it visible and manageable by anyone that has AdminStudio access in your organization, or share with a specific group of people within your organization.
For more information about collaborating with other admins in your organization, see this article.
When you’re ready to launch you can publish your collection and share it with participants. Once you publish the collection, you will be able to:
Invite participants directly
Schedule an email inviting participants to browse the collection
Schedule an email inviting participants to enroll for a specific program
Use an onboarding URL
Copy a URL for participants to browse the collection
Copy a URL for participants to enroll for a specific program
Please note, publishing at this point is optional and can be done at a later time on the Learning Collections tab. See this article for more details.
If you’d like to return to a previous step, click the ‘Back’ button at any time. When you’re ready, click ‘Save and Close’ to return to the Learning Collections list, and you’ll see your new collection at the top of the list.